I'm combining the rest of the painting into a single post. We spent four days painting both walls and trim and finished everything except Nick's studio/guest bedroom. Sanding and refinishing the floors took priority after Thursday since we absolutely need that done before moving things in and were running out of time.
Before and after photos:
Kitchen - before |
I pulled the stove (which we are replacing) away from the wall, cleaned and then painted several coats. The large wall on the right was mostly finished on the last trip so I continued painting down the hallway. I removed the ugly yellow cabinet doors and the kitchen is looking better already. I also removed all of the bedroom and closet doors to paint the trim and just left them off since we are going to replace all of the interior doors with slab doors finished with a walnut stain. No more paneled, two-toned doors!
Kitchen and hall after paint |
In this photo you can see the finished hallway and some of the finished bedroom. This is the second coat of polyurethane on the floor, and it looks even better with the third and final coat. More on that later!
Hall and bedroom after paint (and floor - 2 coats) |
This is a darker shot because the shades are down, but you can kind of see that the room was a light blue with white trim.
Bedroom before |
Here is the after shot with the new wall and trim paint. I also painted the window trim the same color and it looks much nicer with the shades, which are an off-white. Again with the second floor coat.
Bedroom after paint (and floor - 2 coats) |
Here is a before shot of the hall closet. Same yellow as the kitchen cabinet doors and the rest of the hallway.
Hall closet before |
I painted throughout the entire hallway, again including all of the trim for a very modern, monochromatic look. The room on the left is the same color as the hallway, but it looks a little different in the photo because of the difference in the light between the rooms. The handle on the upper door still needs to be reattached, and the room to the right is the last that needs to be painted.
Hall closet after |
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