It was early Saturday evening and we were hanging out at our friend's house while waiting for the second coat of polyurethane to dry, so I browsed Craigslist. There happened to be a reproduction Eames lounge listed a few hours earlier in the color combination we were looking for: walnut with black leather. I texted to ask if we could see it right away, since we were leaving town the next morning. Within the hour we were checking it out and decided to buy. The couple selling was really cool and we talked with them for a while. Coincidentally, the guy needed a large photo print delivered to Salt Lake, so when he found out that's where we were driving he asked if we could transport it for him. They even knocked $50 off the chair for it. Here's the photo from the ad:
Needs a little bit of touch up on the wood and the leather could use some conditioning but overall it's in pretty good shape. We took it to the house and left it in the garage due to the floors being refinished. On our trip last weekend, we were finally able to bring the lounge chair into the house. Here is Nick relaxing in the one corner that is now (mostly) complete! It's really coming together nicely.